History | Parramatta College

History |


Past course program covers.

The Parramatta Evening College was incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act in 1986, however the college has been in existence for much longer, with some records dating back to 1983.

As an Evening College, lifestyle programs such as folk art, ballroom dancing, lawn mower repairs, macramé, art, photography, pottery, public speaking, cooking, and much more was offered to the community. The College was initially based in Wentworthville Public school, with the courses being run at various locations like Northmead High school.

Some historical highlights for the College include:


  • In 1991 Harry Hyland became president of the College Council. He was president for 14 years, and stayed on the Council until early 2017.
  • The College has always been focused on technology. Principal of the time, Alan LeMarne introduced computers to the College and courses such as DOS, word processing, and basic computer skills were offered– this made the College the first in the state to have them.


  • In 1994, the College purchased IMB Compatible 486 computers and had commenced teaching English classes. The College also acquired a room, which was unknowingly going to become the future office located in the Civic Arcade in George Street Parramatta. The College also registered with VETAB (Vocational Education and Training Accreditation board) as an RTO (Registered Training Organisation). This meant it was approved to deliver accredited, nationally recognised training.


  • 1995 – 1997 saw further expansion, with the purchase and lease of more locations in the George Street building.


  • In 1998, Peter Poulson became Principal of the College. One of his visions was to make it a premium learning institution recognised nationally by offering high quality courses that actually have meaning in the workplace and community. As a result the College started offering more qualifications in business, childcare and workplace training, while still keeping leisure courses. The office moved into the Civic Arcade and MYOB was offered. The College’s name was also changed from the Parramatta Regional Evening College Inc, to The Parramatta College.


  • The beginning of the new millennium was an exciting time, Sydney hosted the Olympics and the College got its first internet connection. The GST was adopted which saw accounting software courses boom! The College also started offering frontline management qualifications and its first Diploma of Assessment Systems.


  • In 2003 Terrie Gardner took over as Principal of the College.


  • By 2004, Companion Animal Services, and Animal Studies, were offered, and are still highly popular qualifications.


  • In 2006, Paul Dillon became President of the College council, and laptops were introduced for the first time to be used for training.


  • In 2009 and 2010 the College had grown so much that it necessitated the purchase and renovation of our Ross Street Office where we are still at today.


  • In 2013 after making such an impact on the College Terrie Gardner retired and Christine Cordingley became our new CEO.


  • In 2014 Danielle Bensley took on the role as CEO, and Maria Pantalone was now the College Council President.


  • 2015 was an exciting year, as it saw beginning of the Western Sydney Skills Hub. This is now the College’s flagship training facility that can be traced back to Peter Poulson’s vision of delivering high quality training that actually has meaning in the workplace. Brian Powyer also become President of the College Council.


  • 2016 saw us actually lose the College’s very first training site at Wentworthville Public School after 30+ years. This was due to the rapid growth in the area and the school needing the space back for their students. As a result the College obtained the William Shelley room as it’s new youth training facility.


  • In 2017 the College celebrated it’s 30th Anniversary and is well equipped to deliver high quality qualifications and skill sets to our community. The College also still offers leisure and lifestyle courses as it is a fantastic community opportunity to connect socially and learn something new.